JobKeeper Payment Scheme Details Still Not Available

Key Points:

  • Register your interest for JobKeeper payments here.
  • Work with us to understand your eligibility.
  • Enroll for STP is you haven’t already.

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the JobKeeper Payment Scheme.

Bills passed but no detail yet

Yesterday, the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Bill 2020 was introduced and passed both Houses of Parliament. Unfortunately, it did not contain the finer detail of how the JobKeeper Payment Scheme (‘the Scheme’) will operate.

What it did was set up a framework including giving the Treasurer the power to make Rules, by way of Legislative Instrument, as to how the Scheme will work. These Rules are not currently available.

The framework also included sweeping changes to the Fairwork Act, with temporary amendments that allow employers to make changes to an employees working location, conditions of employment, hours of work, use of annual leave and, varying their duties.

ATO’s role in the JobKeeper Payment Scheme

Further, as previously announced by Treasury, the Commissioner of Taxation will be given certain discretion’s relating to the operation of the Scheme, including the ability to provide alternative turnover tests that can be satisfied if the tests already announced by Treasury cannot be met (e.g., that businesses with a turnover below $1 billion must have had or will have at least a 30% reduction in their turnover due to the effect of COVID-19).

It is anticipated that the ATO will make this information available once Treasury has released the Rules.

We believe this information is imminent and as soon as it is available, we will be working quickly to provide you with all the information you need.

Are we expecting any major changes?

We believe the information we previously provided you with at the time the Scheme was first announced by the Government and contained in the fact sheets on Treasury’s website will be, on the whole, representative of how the Scheme ends up operating.

We will be in touch very soon.

If you have any questions or need advice and clarity specific to your situation, feel free to contact Semmens & Co on 03 8320 0320 for a free consultation.

Thoughts From Our Principals

Mark Semmens

Mark is a Chartered Accountant with a wealth of experience in accounting and taxation. Mark is a Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, the Tax Practitioners Board and the National Tax and Accountants Association.

Mark's blogs
Daniela Semmens

Daniela Semmens is a Co-Director of Semmens & Co. and joined the company as General Manager in 2017. Daniela is an Affiliate Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and also a Member of the Australian Institute of Project Management.

Daniela's blogs

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