Our Future
What began as a small business became an opportunity to integrate our two passions: compliance and technology. We have become close observers of the global fintech movement and the technological advances that are shaping compliance.
We believe that the way compliance is administered will change significantly in the near-future. Signs suggest that there will be an evolution in the way in which the compliance and wealth management industries will operate, with start-ups leading the charge in developing innovative new technology based solutions spawned from collaborations between government, regulators and big business. Our strategy is to harness this wave of technology and regulatory based change and deliver platforms and products for Australian businesses.
Today, Semmens & Co. is dedicated to the use the cloud-based technologies in the accounting domain and has plans to develop and deliver platforms to improve governance reporting for small to medium enterprises, improving visibility of your businesses health.
The Semmens & Co. of the future will continue to provide the full suite of tax and compliance services, with the addition of technology services. Utilising our deep knowledge of the financial services domain, Semmens & Co. will help Australian businesses explore new technology domains and services, including technology selection, research and development and, implementation.