Mark Semmens

Posts by Mark Semmens:

Tax Obligations for the Sharing Economy

The sharing economy is defined as economic activity through a digital platform (such as a website or an app) where...

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Early Engagement with the ATO

If you are an Australian in business, it is good to know that the ATO actively encourages early engagement at...

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Reporting Foreign Income

At present, the ATO is seeking to ensure taxpayers report all sources of foreign income on their tax return. Residency...

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The Issue of Transfer Pricing

The issue of transfer pricing (and avoiding transfer mis-pricing) is critical to the Australian Taxation System and therefore a key...

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Compliance Changes for Trading Names

If you don’t know the difference between a trading name and a business name, rest assured, it isn’t common knowledge....

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Relief from Double Taxation when Doing Business in Singapore

As a company or individual looking beyond your own country for business opportunities you would naturally be concerned with the...

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RBA Drops Cash Rate to New Low

Published by The Adviser  1st October 2019. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has announced that it has reduced the...

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Substantiation – Work-Related Laundry Expenses

With the end of financial year behind us, if you haven't already lodged your income tax return, you may be...

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Financial Reporting for Businesses in Australia

Australia aims to promote investor confidence and integrity in the economy, corporations and in capital markets. This is supported by...

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Protect Your Interests with a Shareholders Agreement

Shareholder disputes are still one of the most common issues commercial and litigation lawyers encounter, so it is important to...

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Thoughts From Our Principals

Mark Semmens

Mark is a Chartered Accountant with a wealth of experience in accounting and taxation. Mark is a Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, the Tax Practitioners Board and the National Tax and Accountants Association.

Mark's blogs
Daniela Semmens

Daniela Semmens is a Co-Director of Semmens & Co. and joined the company as General Manager in 2017. Daniela is an Affiliate Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and also a Member of the Australian Institute of Project Management.

Daniela's blogs

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